

At St. Augustine’s Catholic Primary School, we use a programme called My Happy Mind to help create a positive mental wellbeing culture in which children build resilience, self-esteem, and character. My Happy Mind supports children in developing positive lifelong habits and acts as a supportive tool to calm our minds and bodies so we are ready for everyday challenges.

My Happy Mind is taught across the whole school in weekly sessions, and consists of 5 units:

Meet Your Brain – Learning about how our brains work

Celebrate – Understanding our character strengths and celebrating ourselves

Appreciate – Developing gratitude as a habit

Relate – Building positive relationships

Engage – Engaging with the world

Each one of these units is kick started with a whole school assembly on a half- termly basis.

My Happy Mind is not just a programme for school. Download the free My Happy Mind App today to embed techniques used in school and further the in-school learning of each topic.

Files to Download

St Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Conwy Court, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2JJ

Conwy Court, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2JJOffice Manager 01928 568936schooloffice@staugustines-runcorn.com